Real Time Live / Academic projects in Bangalore - Karnataka - Education, training, lessons, Karnataka - 952307


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Real Time Live / Academic projects in Bangalore - Education, training, lessons

Ref. number: 952307 Updated: 16-02-2012 12:26

Price: 10 000 INR Rs

Offering: Education, training, lessons in India, Karnataka

Real Time Live / Academic projects in Bangalore Greetings from Grant Trainings - J.P Nagar 2nd Phase Bangalore, India!!! Grant Trainings offers Real Time Live Projects / Academic projects / Internship for students of (Diploma/BCA/ MCA/ B.E/ B-Tech/ M-Tech/ BSc/ MSc) with Coding, Synopsis & Certificate on 1. C, C++, VC++, VB, PHP with SQL/ORACLE Database 2. JAVA/J2EE Advanced JAVA, J2ME with SQL/ORACLE Database 3. DOT NET (VB, C#, ASP, ADO) with SQL/ORACLE Database and 4. Embedded Technologies (IEE projects) (ARM, GPS, BLUETOOTH, ZIGBEE, RF, 8051, DSP, MATLAB, TMS320C6713 DSK, 8bit PIC18F, MSP430 BASED LOW POWER MCU Based projects). NOTE: IEEE projects on all technologies are also available Project Duration: 4-Month to 6-Months (depending upon the Project) Project and training will be on self support basis. Interested candidates can directly Walk-In for a free demo on projects between 10:00 AM to 7 P.M

Contact information
First name: moss
Last name: kannan
Phone number: 9964232478
Mobile number: 9964232478
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