Ladies PG near Qspiders Hebbal - Karnataka - Roommates, rooms for rent, Karnataka - 3156243


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Ladies PG near Qspiders Hebbal - Roommates, rooms for rent

Ref. number: 3156243 Updated: 16-07-2024 08:12

Wanted: Roommates, rooms for rent in India, Karnataka

NestStayHome is the ideal leadies PG near QSpiders Hebbal if you are looking for a secure and comfortable stay. We provide fully furnished rooms equipped with modern amenities, giving you a feeling of being at home. Enjoy the convenience of high-speed Wi-Fi, 24/7 security, and delicious home-cooked meals. We are conveniently located near public transportation, educational institutions, and shopping centers. NestStayHome provides a friendly and supportive environment to make your stay as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Take advantage of the highest level of comfort and convenience. Make your reservation today and become a part of a like environment! Our Best Service: * 3 Times Food * Beverages Unlimited * Wifi * Housekeeping Everyday * Longue Area * 24 Hours Hot water * RO Drinking Water * Dining Area For more information: Call: +91 9003101290 Address: 1569, 17th A Main Rd, 5th Block, 1st Phase, HBR Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560066 Email: Website:

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First name: neststay
Last name: homebng
Phone number: 9916595475
Mobile number: 9916595475
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