Best Hair colour in Bangalore - Karnataka - Health services, beauty services, Karnataka - 3082786


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Best Hair colour in Bangalore - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3082786 Updated: 03-04-2023 07:08

Offering: Health services, beauty services in India, Karnataka

Hair coloring is a popular service offered by Ethinix salons. Whether you're looking for something natural or bold, their colorists can help you achieve the perfect shade. In addition to highlights, balayage, and ombre hair colors, they offer a wide range of color services. Their colorists are trained to create stunning hair colors using the most recent techniques and products. OUR BEST SERVICES Hair Cutting & Styling Coloring & Styling Facial & Skin Therapy For More Details : Call: +91 8197789440 Visit:

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First name: Ethinix
Last name: Salon
Phone number: +91 81977 89440
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