GyanPro is a STEM based science organization. We believe that science is the curious consciousness that drives one to re-analyse things that often come across as routine. GyanPro aims to create an experiential Science Edutainment program to make learning fun, inspiring and interactive for children.
We are the pioneers in STEAM Summer Camps and Workshops. We are Making Science Make Sense since 2014.
Introducing STEAM SUMMER CAMP 2023 to make your child enjoy summer holidays by learning and understanding science in a fun way!!
Every day your child would take home a science model made by them; after learning the concepts hands-on which is taught by our well trained teachers from GyanPro Science Squad!!
Chota Scientist is a “Hands-On Activity” based course designed for the age category 4 to 7 years where the child will be introduced to various concepts of science. Each session the child will be learning new concepts of science by conducting various experiments along with the teacher during the class. At the end of the session, the child would be building a model/ Project related to the concept taught using the kit delivered.
Age: 4 to 7 years.
No. of Sessions: 5 Sessions(Classes will be conducted everyday except Saturday and Sunday).
Duration: 90 minutes.
Price: 3, 999/-
To register:
#Sciencesummercampinjpnagar, #summercampinbangalore, #summercampbangalore, #summercampforchildrensinjpnagar, #summercampforkids, #Summercamp2020, #kids, #GyanPro, #STEM, #Handson, #Activitybase, #scienceworkshop #kidsworkshop, #kidscamp, #kidssummeractivities, #innovativesummercamp, #uniquesummercamp, #3dprintingworkshop, #amateurscientist, #csi, #sciencefortoddler, #aeromodelling, #robotics, #electronics, #summerworkshop, #scienceexpedition, #scienceshow, #summerdaycamp, #homeschooling, #cbse, #icse, #igcse, #scienceprojects, #Tinkeringlab, #teenyweenyscientist, #steamsummercamp