Top Best Teleradiology Reporting Services Provider in India - Karnataka - Health services, beauty services, Karnataka - 3076619


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Top Best Teleradiology Reporting Services Provider in India - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3076619 Updated: 27-02-2023 12:45

Offering: Health services, beauty services in India, Karnataka

Teleradiology is the practice of reading and interpreting medical images, such as X-rays and CT scans, remotely. The use of teleradiology is expected to increase due to several factors, including an aging population and a shortage of radiologists in some areas. The advanced technology has made transmitting and storing medical images easier, making teleradiology reporting services more feasible. Give a call or send an email to Radblox and get better patient care instantly for your health center. We provide physicians with faster and more accurate diagnoses that enable patients to receive care from specialists who may not be located nearby. Visit: Want to know more? Contact our experts now, or call Call : +91 74115 08822 Email :

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First name: Rad
Last name: Blox
Phone number: 91 74115 08822
Mobile number: 91 74115 08822
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