Beauty Spas in Yelahanka - Karnataka - Health services, beauty services, Karnataka - 3067299


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Beauty Spas in Yelahanka - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3067299 Updated: 10-01-2023 08:21

Offering: Health services, beauty services in India, Karnataka

Impression Wellness offers spa and massage services that are second to none.o underimperativet the Body Massage service is designed to relieve muscular pain, which is why it would be advisable to first understand the type of body massage services that are available at Impression Wellness Bangalore. Highly qualified staff with extensive experience will provide you with the best treatments so that your body looks as beautiful as ever. • It helps us to come out from the serious muscle pain. • It keeps mind fresh which is a crucial feature. • It helps to reduce the stress. Our Best Services : * Thai Massage * Body Massage & Wrap * Foot Massage * Back Massage

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Last name: wellness
Mobile number: 9513487102
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