Warehouse Non Moving Stock Buyers in Pan India - Karnataka - Other services, Karnataka - 3063743


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Warehouse Non Moving Stock Buyers in Pan India - Other services

Ref. number: 3063743 Updated: 31-01-2025 15:13

Price: 1 000 000 INR Rs

Wanted: Other services in India, Karnataka

WAREHOUSE STOCK BUYERS IN PAN INDIA Consulting for Warehouse Stock Clearance and Liquidate Service’s We liquidate everything from your Warehouse, Company’s, Industries and Manufacturer Storage Yards. We Purchase all Types of Warehouse Stock Material’s Like Food Items, FMCG Products, Electronics Goods, Home Appliances, Footwear’s, General Merchandise, Health and Beauty aids, House wares, Impulse, Cloths, Kitchen Items, Automobile Parts, Electrical Good, Garments Stock, Manufacturers Stock, Industrial Stock, Warehouse Stock and All Types of Old Stock, Damage Stock, Pending Stock, Scrap Stock, Water Effected Stock, Surplus stocks, And all Types of licensed goods Etc… We Work all industries, including manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, service industries, and more BANGALORE MART INC are without a doubt leaders in excess stock, we are genuine stock buyers looking to purchase all kinds of stock clearance, wholesale stock, bankrupt stock and general stock. We are ready to buy at all times. We make a deal within a hours of hearing from you. Normal channels of distribution are always protected for the manufacturers, importers, distributors, retailers and service companies that deal with us. We have helped small and large companies around PAN India. To clear excess and unwanted stock, we can help you! Friendly people, fast decisions, make your stock problem... Our problem! No need to worry for any kind of unsold/ aged/ off shelf/ discontinued/ surplus stock, rather convert it into fresh extra cash to use where it’s needed most. Get rid of all your excess stock in one/ multiple go. Our liquidation platform will facilitate the broadcast of your information (basis your mandate) and soon will get the interested buyers for your stock. Thereby, allow you to focus managing your business and making money. BANGALORE MART INC has been designed to solve such inventory problems! Liquidate now and turn dead inventory into cash. We have helped inventory holders in turning liabilities into assets and arranged to liquidate goods across various categories and locations. WHAT DO WE DO? We like to be clear about everything we do and at BANGALORE MART INC , it’s all in the name. When we say we buy ANY stock, we mean ANY stock. It’s simple: you name it, we buy it. there’s not much we will refuse. We want your end-of-line stock and we know how to make it make cash for you, because we are well connected to the stock clearance industry. HOW CAN WE HELP YOU We know cash flow is vital to businesses, and that end-of-line, liquidation or clearance stock costs you more in storage. When you sell to us, you can reclaim warehouse space and earn money. Whether it’s a single pallet or a whole warehouse full of stock, BANGALORE MART INC will provide a fast and effective solution to giving you the freedom you need. We can buy your stock, fast and without delay, and get your cash flowing again. What kind of Circumstances do we help with? General stock clearance End-of-line stock Abandoned/unpaid warehouse consignments Insurance salvage/damaged cargo Transport Damage Stock Surplus stock or overproduction Cancelled orders or late deliveries Frustrated imports/exports Damage Stock Scrap Stock Warehouse Damage Products BANGALORE MART INC will quickly evaluate and broadcast among plethora of prospective buyers who will get back will a competitive offer. We can make the best deals because we pay in cash and always act quickly to make the purchase.

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Contact information
First name: Altaf
Last name: Hussain
Phone number: 08023438034
Mobile number: 9945555582
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