Topographic Survey | Topographic Survey Company in Bangalore | Infogeo - Karnataka - Businesses for sale, Karnataka - 2938885


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Topographic Survey | Topographic Survey Company in Bangalore | Infogeo - Businesses for sale

Ref. number: 2938885 Updated: 26-01-2021 06:36

Offering: Businesses for sale in India, Karnataka

Topographic survey is typically a first step in any construction or development project, it may be necessary to perform a topographic survey to identify various features and elevations of area land. Infogeo has 20+ years of experience in conducting topographic survey with remarkably accurate results. A topographic survey, also known as a land survey or topographical land surveyalso known as contours. Topographic survey measures and identifies the exact location and specifications of natural and human made features within an area of land. The survey is then drawn up into an appropriate and detailed plan it includes human-made features such as boundaries, neighbouring buildings, walkways etc. The topographic survey also picks up natural features such as trees, ponds and ground contours. Having a detailed and accurate picture of your land can reduce the risk of costly downstream mistakes caused by unforeseen issues. In the case of purchased land, a topographical survey can reveal any information that might be hidden from plain sight, including the changes that have occurred on the area over a period of time.

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