Creating Brand That Outpaces The Market
We help clients evaluate their “as-if” state marketing strategy against the desired results. Through our network of experts, industry benchmarks and bottoms up research we create the custom strategy for our clients.
Marketing Planning
Many organizations treat marketing as a segregated function. This results in either rapidly depleting marketing budgets or not being able to hit the critical mass to build enough marketing momentum. To ensure optimum returns on marketing investments, we use a three-step goal-oriented approach to help organizations. We start with building a long term strategic plan and then break it up into phase-wise tactical marketing initiatives. Finally, we map these initiatives to drive an organization-wide alignment, because we understand that a sustainable brand can only be built on effective delivery of the brand promises at all fronts.
Brand Positioning
In the plethora of brands today, there are only a handful of brands which have been able to capture a clear share of the consumer’s mind and this battle is getting tougher. Our strong experience in consumer market research and industry benchmarking allows us to take a two-pronged approach. We help organizations to acquire brand positioning which is not just consumer-centric, but also competition-centric. Across domains, we have consulted clients to create brands which are relevant to consumers, clearly differentiated from the competitors and ride on the existing consumer-truths, lending credibility to their brand promise.
Indiqube Sigma, Plot 3/B, 7th C Main, 3rd Block, Kormangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560034
702 204 8631; 910 864 8287