Get the house of your dreams located at Nagarabhavi Blr - Karnataka - Houses for sale, Karnataka - 2019749


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Get the house of your dreams located at Nagarabhavi Blr - Houses for sale

Ref. number: 2019749 Updated: 03-07-2015 10:36

Price: 26 500 000 INR Rs

Offering: Houses for sale in India, Karnataka

There is a spacious 4600 sq ft home that is available for sale. This is a 2.65 cr home. There is a home theater separate available for you to completely furnished. There is also a car and bike parking that is available. You will also get 2 bedrooms with attached bathroom. You can avail both Cauvery and corporation water. Please contact immediately for more details.-9916200888.

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Contact information
First name: Ravi
Last name: Ravi
Mobile number: 9916200888
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