Shop Sale on S.P road, B’lore. Avail affordable Shop at an estimated s - Karnataka - Houses for sale, Karnataka - 1854791


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Shop Sale on S.P road, B’lore. Avail affordable Shop at an estimated s - Houses for sale

Ref. number: 1854791 Updated: 26-11-2014 09:42

Offering: Houses for sale in India, Karnataka

Avail affordable Shop at an estimated size of 144 sq ft at a price of Rs 22, 000/ per square feet at S.P road. Total value would be Rs 31, 68, 000/- and is slightly negotiable. Isn't it a good deal?? Then why wait..Contact - Mr. Nanda Kumar - 9739341079 and book immediately.

Contact information
First name: rekha
Last name: sandeep
Phone number: 9739341079
Mobile number: 9739341079
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