offices available at v.v puram for bpo’s and call centers: - Karnataka - Commercial for rent, Karnataka - 1824278


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offices available at v.v puram for bpo’s and call centers: - Commercial for rent

Ref. number: 1824278 Updated: 16-10-2014 06:30

Price: 32 000 INR Rs

Offering: Commercial for rent in India, Karnataka

V.V Puram , Mavalli provides BPO’s and Call Centers a chance for setting up a 1200 sqft, fully furnished Plug and Play office with luxurious space and several amenities like 20 workstations, 3cabin rooms, 1 conference room, 2restrooms and 1 pantry at , V.V Puram, Mavalli, Bangalore.Contact - Mr. Nanda Kumar - 9739341079 immediately. Rent : Rs 32, 000/- per Month negotiable and advance to be paid is ten months

Contact information
First name: NANDHA KUMAR
Last name: putta
Phone number: 9739341079
Mobile number: 9739341079
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