Ramky One North placed in Yelahanka Bangalore for call @-9900033755 - Karnataka - Houses for sale, Karnataka - 1420118


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Ramky One North placed in Yelahanka Bangalore for call @-9900033755 - Houses for sale

Ref. number: 1420118 Updated: 18-04-2013 11:41

Price: 4 183 000 INR Rs

Offering: Houses for sale in India, Karnataka

Ramky One North Bangalore call -9900033755 Ramky One North has Laminated Wooden made Flooring surfaces materials in Expert Bed area, Vitrified flooring in other Bed area, AntiSkid Flooring surfaces materials in Restrooms and other application locations, Completely created Dadoing, Stone Groundwork with Stainless-steel Jewelry Strain, Oil Restricted Distemper on all the materials and homes, Bamboo sprouts bedding Wooden accomplished gateways, provide for TV, Internet, Cable Tv and Intercom etc. There is providing for 500W for each flat, sufficient power duplicate for common locations & increases etc. Ramky One North Bangalore for more details – 9900033755 Email Id – gaurav.pandit@gmail.com Url- http://propertytimes.org/project/ramky-one-north/overview.html

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First name: Gaurav
Last name: Kaushik
Mobile number: 8971315026
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