Dandeli | Best Resources of Dandeli - Karnataka - Travel services, transportation services, Karnataka - 1149406


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Dandeli | Best Resources of Dandeli - Travel services, transportation services

Ref. number: 1149406 Updated: 10-07-2012 14:59

Offering: Travel services, transportation services in India, Karnataka

Dandeli, a scenic town, with the Western Ghats as the backdrop in North Karnataka, India, is best known for its wildlife sanctuary, tourism, industry and as an educational hub. Tourists swarm the place from other parts of India and abroad as well for the natural beauty as well as for adventure sports as it is one of the best white-water rafting destinations in South India. For more information please visit www.holidayiq.com

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First name: Holidayiq
Last name: Travel
Phone number: 8041153595
Mobile number: 8041153595
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